Biological Allograft
Biological Allografts are a form of regenerative medicine derived from the idea that a human placenta has the required cells to heal a wide range of medical conditions.
Doctors originally used the technique to help people with skin conditions like diabetic wounds, burns, and ulcers. After discovering its efficacy in healing these conditions, allografts are increasingly being used to treat arthritis and joint pain.
Understanding Biological Allografts
Advancements in medical research have led to the discovery of innovative regenerative treatments using harvested cells from tissue similar to human tissues, a process known as Allografting. One remarkable source of such cells is maternal tissues, particularly those obtained from the placenta after childbirth. The placenta contains a wealth of beneficial substances, including growth factors, hyaluronic acid, proteins, and collagen, all of which have regenerative potential.
Maternal cells sourced from the placenta are abundant with growth factors, hyaluronic acid, proteins, and collagen, which can be used for regenerative purposes. Cells are harvested from the umbilical cord, amniotic fluid, sac, and placental tissues after a baby is delivered for medical application.
These cells work synergistically with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), sourced from the blood of the patient, stimulating a healing reaction within the body on a cellular level. PRP itself has been used to treat chronic wounds and pain, with zero risk factor of rejection or allergic reaction because it is autologous. Combining cells from Allograft tissues can further boost its efficacy of healing conditions such as joints affected by arthritis through injections, giving the patient a better quality of life.
Biological Allografts vs traditional medication
Regenerative medicine seeks to naturally heal the body without the use of surgical intervention or medications. Clinical trials and observational study have seen biological grafts to be an effective solution for a range of medical treatments.
The placenta, an organ that develops during pregnancy to provide nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus, is rich in a wide array of beneficial substances that play pivotal roles in the development and healing processes. One of the key components found in abundance within the placenta is a group of signaling molecules known as growth factors. These growth factors play crucial roles in regulating cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation, making them essential for tissue repair and regeneration.
Conventionally, steroids and anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed to patients, however, these can often cause adverse side effects. Surgical intervention is higher risk and requires extensive recovery and downtime.
With a Biological Allograft, patients can relieve symptoms of pain for at least 12 months after a single injection. Donor tissue cells eliminate the problem of healing not only at the treatment site, where they’re injected, but also at the harvesting site, where the patient’s cells are taken.

Results of a Biological Allograft
After the Allograft procedure is completed, doctors will recommend icing the area and taking over-the-counter medications for pain relief. The patient may also be given exercises to help increase blood flow and improve range of motion. Some soreness is experienced for a week after the injection; however, continual results typically begin within two weeks.
Regenerative procedures accelerate healing within the body and are meant to heal the ailment at its source, instead of using medication to mask symptoms. Cells will rebuild and inflammation heals during a short period of time after receiving an injection. Optimal improvements will be made within four to eight weeks, however, depending on the severity of the patient’s medical condition, they may be required to return for a supplemental treatment such as PRP injections.
Biological Allograft is a fairly new medical treatment that is undergoing research; however, it has been shown to be effective in clinical trials and observational study. Patients who are dealing with pain from medical conditions such as arthritis may find this to be an ideal and alternative treatment to surgical intervention and other invasive procedures.